Hey there, savvy sailors and marine aficionados! You’ve found yourself here because you’re in the market for an electric outboard motor, correct? Sit back and let’s embark on this guide together.

The Rise of Electric Motors

In a world where we’re continually striving for cleaner, greener options, the electric outboard motor is making waves. It’s become a staple for many boat owners looking to enjoy quieter, more eco-friendly outings.

Why Electric Over Gas?

You’re probably wondering, “Why should I switch to electric?” Electric motors have a host of advantages. They’re quieter, eco-friendly, and easy on your wallet in terms of maintenance. Sailing with an electric motor is like enjoying nature without disturbing it—utter bliss!

Factors to Consider

Before you can shout “Ahoy,” there are a few things to consider.



For fishing, you’ll want a quieter motor with good trolling speed.


For cruising or water sports, speed and agility might be more important.

Boat Size

Small Boats

For small boats like kayaks, a motor with less horsepower is sufficient.

Large Boats

Larger boats require more horsepower for better performance.

Power Needs


While higher horsepower gives you more speed, it also consumes more battery life.


Thrust is crucial for overcoming water currents. Opt for a motor that offers adequate thrust for your boat size.

Battery Life

Types of Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are cheaper but heavier. Lithium batteries are lightweight but cost more.

How to Extend Battery Life

To extend battery life, use the motor at lower speeds and keep an extra battery on board.

Popular Brands

Choosing a brand can be daunting. Let’s make it easier for you.


Haswing is a top-tier brand known for its durable and efficient electric outboard motors.

Haswing Models

Haswing offers a variety of models for different boat sizes and activities, making it a flexible choice.

Why Choose Haswing

Opting for Haswing gives you a combination of efficiency, durability, and high performance. You simply can’t go wrong!

Minn Kota

Another reputable brand with a wide range of motors suitable for different activities.


These are luxury motors known for their high-tech features and efficiency, albeit with a steeper price tag.

Installation Tips


If you’re a DIY enthusiast, you’ll find most electric outboard motors are straightforward to install. Make sure to read the manual closely.

Professional Installation

If the mere thought of wielding a wrench scares you, opt for a professional installation.


A well-maintained motor can last for years.

Regular Checks

Inspect for wear and tear, especially in the propeller and electrical components.

Annual Service

An annual check-up from a professional ensures that your motor remains in top-notch condition.

Choosing an electric outboard motor isn’t as complicated as it seems. Keep your needs in mind, and always consider reliable brands like Haswing. Happy sailing!


  1. How do I convert from a gas to an electric outboard motor?
    • Conversion is usually straightforward, but consult a professional for best results.
  2. What is the typical lifespan of a battery in an electric outboard motor?
    • Approximately 6-10 hours, depending on usage.
  3. Why should I choose a Haswing motor?
    • Haswing motors are reliable, efficient, and offer excellent performance.
  4. How do I maintain my electric outboard motor?
    • Regular checks and annual service by a professional will keep it running smoothly.
  5. Is horsepower the only factor that determines a motor’s capability?
    • No, thrust and battery life are also crucial factors.

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